RMB Rooms

  • Pod A - Conference room
    • Location | RMB 900C
    • Capacity | 20
    • Equipped | LG monitor, whiteboard wall, dry-erase markers, cleaning materials
    • Capabilities | Zoom, room camera, microphones, remote screen sharing via HDMI or USB-C wired connection, Apple TV for local presentations via wireless connection
  • Pod A - Flex Office
    • Location | RMB 900G
    • Capacity | 1 (intended for single occupancy; 1:1 meetings, etc, are allowed)
    • Equipped | none
    • Uses | Intended for professional Zoom calls, and other meetings requiring small space with a closed door; max reservation 3 hours per day; do NOT leave your personal belongings behind
  • Pod B - Conference Room
    • Location | RMB 1012
    • Capacity | 20
    • Equipped | LG monitor, whiteboard wall, dry-erase markers, cleaning materials
    • Capabilities | Zoom, room camera, microphones, remote screen sharing via HDMI or USB-C wired connection, Apple TV for local presentations via wireless connection
  • Pod B - Flex Desk
    • Location | RMB 1011 (middle)
    • Capacity | 1
    • Equipped | 24" monitor with HDMI cable
    • Uses | Quiet shared space. Beverages allowed. No Conference Calls 
  • Pod B - Flex Office
    • Location | RMB 1014
    • Capacity | 1 (intended for single occupancy; 1:1 meetings, etc, are allowed)
    • Equipped | none
    • Uses | Intended for professional Zoom calls, and other meetings requiring small space with a closed door; max reservation 3 hours per day; do NOT leave your personal belongings behind
  • Pod C - Conference Room
    • Location | RMB 1022
    • Capacity | 20
    • Equipped | LG monitor, whiteboard wall, dry-erase markers, cleaning materials
    • Capabilities | Zoom, room camera, microphones, remote screen sharing via HDMI or USB-C wired connection, Apple TV for local presentations via wireless connection
  • Pod C - Flex Office
    • Location | RMB 1024
    • Capacity | 1 (intended for single occupancy; 1:1 meetings, etc, are allowed)
    • Equipped | none
    • Uses | Intended for professional Zoom calls, and other meetings requiring small space with a closed door; max reservation 3 hours per day; do NOT leave your personal belongings behind
  • Pod D - Conference Room
    • Location | RMB 1032
    • Capacity | 20
    • Equipped | LG monitor, whiteboard wall, dry-erase markers, cleaning materials
    • Capabilities | Zoom, room camera, microphones, remote screen sharing via HDMI or USB-C wired connection, Apple TV for local presentations via wireless connection
  • Pod D - Director's Board Room
    • Location | RMB 934J
    • Capacity | 12
    • Equipped | LG monitor, whiteboard wall, dry-erase markers, cleaning materials
    • Capabilities | Zoom, room camera, microphones, remote screen sharing via HDMI or USB-C wired connection, Apple TV for local presentations via wireless connection
  • RMB Board Room
    • Location | RMB 1014 (Parnassus campus)
    • Capacity | 50
    • Capabilities | Zoom, room camera and microphones, and remote screen sharing via HDMI or USB-C wired connection
    • Notes | Strict adherence to policies for use, including re-arrangement, technology services, catering, clean-up, and fees. Sweeping views of the Bay and Golden Gate Bridge. Any questions regarding fees, policies, and space reservations can be directed to Lael DasGupta. Any equipment issues should be directed to Carmen Sudduth at [email protected] or Slack with a copy to Lael DasGupta.